
Payment Conditions:

We do not ship cash on delivery, goods always leave upon payment received. In the event that you wish to make payment deferred payment within 90 days, the goods will remain in our warehouse and will leave upon receipt of full payment.

PayPal and Credit Cards
If you wish to pay for your purchases by credit card, simply select PAYPAL in the payment options that you will be automatically automatically before completing your order. You will then be automatically directed to the PayPal secure zone where you can make the payment either through your account (if you are already a registered (if you are already a registered PayPal user) or with your credit card by choosing the “pay as a non-registered user with your credit card” system.

If you wish to send the payment directly from your PAYPAL account, simply address the payment to the email  indicating in the reason for payment the order you are paying for.

Bank Transfer in Advance
Unicredit Banca Ag. Vignola Corso Italia (MODENA)
CODICE IBAN: IT15U0200867070000100662202
Current Account in the name of Matteo Paglia